People having disabilities are sights to which anyone’s heart will surely go out to. A lot of them can be seen all throughout the world, particularly in Africa, the Philippines and Vietnam. Being in their state was not made by choice but rather by fate. Fortunate people who care enough would give the necessary support and capable sponsorship to extend their helping hands towards them. People cannot simply claim that it is these victims who choose not to do something to rehabilitate their current stature.
True that it fattens the heart to be able to help people in need. This is why people who do charity work and worthy causes would rather do something good for the benefit of the lesser fortunate people. The rewards may not be measured in terms of financial or objects, but all the same, it is providing assistance and support that matters above all.
There are some things that are simply immeasurable and intangible that people would prefer and this is usually doing something wholeheartedly without anything tangible in exchange.
Originally posted on September 24, 2010 @ 10:58 am