The average blogger I know has not made it big time like those high profile probloggers we all hear and read about. Truth be told, not everyone has goals of reaching that status; many blogger friends that I have are content with how their blogs are faring. And while they are not making big bucks with their blogs, they do find ways to spread their blessings around.
One idea a friend alerted me to is this new widget from SocialVibe, which offers bloggers a chance to help a specific charity. Bloggers who use the WordPress platform can sign up for this widget and configure it to benefit a charity. Here are the specifics from Media Post:
As a result, WordPress bloggers can now sign up for a SocialVibe widget, choose a specific charity and corresponding brand sponsor, and then embed the ad unit in their blog to start earning micro-donations from the brand once readers interact with the sponsored units.
It’s much like ads but instead of merely earning money for your blog, the benefits go to the charity you choose. And what kind of “interaction” from the readers is needed? This part I like: people can go watch a video and rate it – that sort of thing. It is not merely clicking on a link for the sake of clicking. Another nice thing about the widget is that it keeps track of your “donations.” For example, you can see a line like “My blog has donated so and so number of books to students in need.”
Originally posted on June 30, 2009 @ 3:30 am